

News 게시판
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109 Progress ‘Jeonju University is Going! Project’ for Freshmen International Center 20-07-16 743   새내기를 위한 ‘전주대가 간다! 프로젝트’ 진행.png
108 Jeonju University LINC+ Enterprise Organization, Join ‘Thanks to Challenge’ to Cheer for the Medical Staff International Center 20-07-16 733   전주대 LINC+사업단, 코로나19 의료진 응원 ‘덕분에 챌린지’ 동참.jpg
107 Jeonju University, Establishment of Digital Social Innovation Support Center ‘Solving Regional Problems with Digital’ International Center 20-07-16 743   전주대, 디지털 사회혁신 지원센터 구축 ‘디지털로 지역문제 해결’.jpg
106 Jeonju University Faculty Members, Deliver ‘Love Sharing’ Scholarship to International Students International Center 20-06-09 792   전주대 교원들, 유학생들에게 ‘사랑 나눔’ 장학금 전달.jpg
105 The International Exchange Institute Has Selected Three International Students to Provide 2020 GKS Outstanding Scholarsh International Center 20-06-09 587   국제교류원, ‵2020 GKS 외국인 우수 자비 장학생′ 3명 선발.jpg
104 Professor Hyunjin Park in Jeonju University, Published A Series of Academic Books on Korean Language Education International Center 20-06-09 604   한국어문학과 박현진 교수, 한국어교육 관련 학술서 잇달아 출간 화제.jpg
103 Jeonju University, the Only One in Honam Region to be Selected for “10 Consecutive Years” in Initial Start-up Package Pr International Center 20-04-27 711   창업지원단, 호남권 유일 ‘10년 연속’ 2020년 초기창업패키지사업 주관기관 선정.jpg
102 Jeonju University, Selected as “Excellent University” with the highest rank in the evaluation of the University Job Cent International Center 20-04-27 651   대학일자리센터 평가 최고등급 ‘우수 대학’ 선정.jpg
101 Jeonbuk Branch of the International Student Fellowship, Deliver Jeonju Choco Pie with Love to International Students in International Center 20-04-27 616   국제학생회 전북지부, 전주대 유학생에게 사랑의 전주초코파이 전달.jpg
100 Professor Kim Dong-hyun's Team Succeeded in Commercializing the World's First 4G/5G LTE Disaster Drone International Center 20-04-27 575   소방안전공학과 김동현 교수팀, 세계 최초 4G, 5G LTE 재난드론 상용화 성공.jpg
99 Jeonju University-Ceragem-Jesus Hospital Agreement ‘Creating Bio Health Ecosystem’ International Center 20-03-24 721   전주대-세라젬-예수병원 협약 체결 '바이오헬스 생태계 조성'.jpg
98 Jeonju University, for Corona19 Pain-Sharing ‘Participate in Kind Rent’ International Center 20-03-24 576   코로나19 고통분담 위해 ‘착한 임대료 동참’.jpg
97 Parents Living in Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province, Warm Letters of Appreciation to Jeonju University Catching Eyes International Center 20-03-24 558   대구경북 거주 학부모, 전주대에 따듯한 감사편지 눈길.jpg
96 Jeonju University, Degree Grant Ceremony and Entrance Ceremony Cancellation as ‘All-out Efforts to Prevent Spread of new International Center 20-02-17 623   전주대, ‘신종코로나 확산 방지 총력’ 학위수여식 및 입학식 취소.jpg
95 Jeonju University-Dutch Institute for Education Promotion, Building Cooperation System for ‘Education and Regional Innov International Center 20-02-17 593   전주대-네덜란드 교육진흥원, ‘교육·지역혁신’ 위한 협력체계 구축 1.jpg
94 Jeonju University, Building ‘HATCH Global Center’ in Warsaw, Poland International Center 20-02-17 497   전주대, 폴란드 바르샤바에 ‘HATCH 글로벌 거점센터’ 구축.jpg
93 Jeonju University, 4.23 to 1 Competition Rate for Regular Admission for 2020, ‘No. 1 Major University in Honam Region’ International Center 20-02-17 543   전주대, 2020학년도 정시모집 경쟁률 4.23대 1, '호남지역 주요대학 1위'.jpg
92 Completion of the Third Jeonju-Haiphong Korean Speaking Contest International Center 20-01-30 521   제3회 전주대-하이퐁 한국어 말하기 대회 성료.jpg
91 Jeonju University, Korea’s First Fair Trade University Accredited ‘Leader in Creating Social Value’ International Center 20-01-30 481   전주대, 전국 최초 공정무역대학 인증 ‘사회적가치 창출 앞장’.jpg
90 Jeonju University Taekwondo Major, Perform Taekwondo to Help Children with Childhood Cancer International Center 20-01-30 450   전주대 태권도전공, 소아암어린이 돕기 태권도 공연 진행.jpg